The world doesn't need to show me knowledge; I already know truth.
The world doesn't need to show me happiness; I already know joy.
The world doesn't need to show me what is good; I already know what is righteous.
The world doesn't need to show me lust; I am already in love.
The world can try to lure me, but I am already sold out.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Posted by JENNY at 12:57 AM 2 comments
Friday, May 9, 2008
Can I Have Yo' Numba'?*
God is a flirt. I've never known someone who wanted my heart so bad and was so obvious about it. Everyday the Lord seems to show me things as if to get my attention: kind of like the boy in third grade who would run extra fast or kick the ball extra hard whenever you were around, "look at me, look what I can do." (Or for you guys reading, its like the girl who plays with her necklace while she talks to you.) God is a straight-up flirt and I love it. The Lord offers the most gratifying "pursue-me" relationship-ever; something no boy (or girl) could ever amount to, and the joy of letting yourself "get caught" by Him is something that cannot ever be replaced or fulfilled by a significant other, nor should it be.
I am realizing its okay to acknowledge how much God wants you; its not prideful to know you're being pursued and to feel like you're on the forefront of His mind. We are. Remember your first crush? How that person was the only one you thought about and how you thought about him (her) a lot. How you felt almost desperate to be noticed-and you soaked in every second that you were? How much fun was that!-how exciting. The only part that was a bust was when you weren't noticed, when you weren't fed with attention.
How rad is it that God will never be the boy or the girl who doesn't notice you. God doesn't get tired of showering us with love or dropping hints: he will never say "oh...shes not feeling it, maybe I should move on or find someone else-find myself a rebound" or "Oh.'re checking out a playa over there- ima holler at this girl for a quick minute 'til you ready." No way, God isn't looking for a quick one, He's already committed to you and is in it for the long run with you; He won't give up and He won't be distracted by someone else who's "more responsive." (Can you say that about any crush?) The amount of attention he gives us is not dependent on how responsive we are, his love for us isn't influenced by how much we love Him. God is solid.
He doesn't want a fling, he wants a marriage and hes already proposed.
The next time you notice the sound the wind makes when it blows through trees, or the power of a wave as it crashes into itself, or even the color and fragrance of a simple daisy-think of it as God flirting with you. Don't for a second think God is being subtle, open your eyes because hes not...he might as well be saying "Excuse me...can I talk to you fo a minute?" Give God your number already.*
P.S. I apologize if you find my implication to God being "ghetto" offensive.
* For those of you who haven't already seen it, you tube "mad tv can i have your number" for a laugh.*
Posted by JENNY at 10:15 AM 4 comments
Thursday, May 8, 2008
"Hear instructions...and do not neglect it."
A very wise friend of mine, who heard from another wise friend of ours, told me "if we are obedient to the small things when we hear God's whispers, then it will be easier for us to recognize and be obedient to God's voice in the big things."
Every day we get nudges from God: don't wear that skirt today, feed this homeless guy, don't text that person, don't spend money on this, pray for this person, park over here instead, talk to them, distance yourself from these people, don't go out tonight...
Yesterday I had the strangest nudge "don't go out tonight." I first heard it when a few of my gnomies went out to flier AGO with intentions of getting Martin back-a very amusing idea that I helped provoke and witnessed the creation of, but I stayed home. They came back, and told me it didn't go so well. Hmm, I guess it wouldn't have been worth it if I went after all.
Later that night, in response to my invitation to The Living Room, there was that nudge again, "don't go out." "But why God? A good group of people playing a solid could apples to apples be detrimental to my relationship with you? Partaking in this would be completely harmless."
I didn't go.
Unexpectedly a favorite pledge sis of mine walked in the door. "Spend time with her." We ended up having a lovely heart to heart which involved lots of pouring in and bonding; needless to say, it was necessary and from God for me to stay home.
A call, yet another invitation to The Living Room. The ultimate test...we were finishing up our conversation and soon she would be on her way out; there was no reason to not go except for the tiny conviction God gave me earlier.
I didn't know why but I knew I was supposed to say no. I declined.
Literally as soon as one of my pledge sisters left, another of my favorites walked through the door. Coming in only to pick up a few items, it was clear to me my pledge sis desired a friend and her spirit longed for fellowship. Unfortunately we didn't get to finish our conversation but that is beside the point.
Our convictions are not just for us. Our obedience doesn't just bless us. Nothing we do when it is demanded by God only affects us. God is resourceful. He uses everything.
I had no idea that not only one but two people I love would walk through the door needing some instant love from my pocket. The only thing I did was obey.
Simple. Obey God and you'll be blessed and bless others.
Proverbs 8:33 "Hear instructions and be wise, and do not neglect it."
..."Happy is the one who listens to me, watching daily at my gates, waiting beside my doors."
Posted by JENNY at 1:44 AM 2 comments