Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Take more than words, take LIFE from this

There I sat alone in my car in the parking lot of "San Diego Center for the Blind," listening to "Connected" by Means. Again...again. One last time...again.
Over the last few days my slight obsession with this song has turned into a somewhat healthy infatuation (or at least I'd like to think its healthy.) It is crazy how my walk with God influences the depth of the lyrics to this song. Seven months have flown by since I first heard "Connected," but it seems as though my previous understanding of the lyrics were shallow, for only recently is it that God reveals simple truths when I worship to this song.
The two voices, the loud and the soft seem to symbolize aspects of God's nature: powerful yet gentle. Two opposing methods of singing fit so beautifully together in one song that I can't help but be reminded of God's perfection: how he is both feminine and masculine, father and son, king and friend...the list goes on: He is perfect.

I am sending you strength. God does send us strength: we have The Bible, we have community, we have our testimony.
We can't forget were connected. We are connected: through the Bible and translated by the Holy Spirit we hear God...As brothers and sisters in Christ we have unique bonds.
No matter where you are nothing changes. God's love for us is never changing: completely unconditional regardless of our physical location or spiritual condition.
You make me stronger than I could ever know. Although we love God, we don't fully submit our trust; we find ourselves questioning and worrying over situations as if we've forgotten who created the Mountains.
You can take these words....Take life from this. God gives us truth, the key to eternal life. In turn we offer our words and our lives-the way we live and who we live for.

How beautiful, how simple. Never, can God fail us. Although it takes our walking away, whether it be out of shame, anger or arrogance, for us to realize where our "home" lies, when we find home- its that much more glorious.

listen to Connected


AWANA said...

Well, I have listened to the song and read the lyrics.
I'm not against Christian Metal music but I can't seem to find anything about this band that is "Christian". I went to their MySpace and even searched the web about them. But, to no avail nothing, not even in their own stuff do they reference their beliefs.
Maybe I'm missing something?
Enlighten me.......

JENNY said...

Means originally started out as "Means 2 An End" but after losing a few band members changed their name (as many bands do) by dropping the "2 An End" part. Facedown records began as a Christian record label, and although they aren't limited to Christian bands, a good majority of them are believers. They also carry many "straight edge" bands-meaning they stand for no drugs, no sex, no alcohol.

They do not label themselves or their genre and I think thats because they want to keep it simple by just making music without expectation or standards.
They know that many people in the "(hardcore music) scene" are atheists and to proclaim their faith through labels or a bio could come of as "holier-than-thou." But to just be, and make music they can witness in a way that isn't jumping down "the scene's" throat...people wouldn't be so quick to judge and would have to actually read lyrics to find the meaning in the song.

AWANA said...

Thanks for the explanation...although it sounds more like a justification....

Early on in my walk with Christ I believed I could hear His message in just about everything... music, poetry, people and even some "pastors". But as I have grown and become more discerning (not judgemental), I've come to realize that the world does a great job at mimicking Christianity. It can sound like it, act like it and even profess to be one, but when the "rubber meets the road" and the "smoke and mirrors" are gone... all they are left with is nothing more than what this world has to offer.

I will always be skeptical of a person who does NOT boldly stand for what they profess to believe..<1 John 4:2-4>
We are not called to be "of this world" but to live separate from it. To justify denying Christ by not professing Him so that one can be relateable is a sin that I would not want to take with me to the judgement day.<2 Peter 2:1-3>

Please hear my heart on this matter and do not take it as an attack upon you personally. I only come to you with grace and truth. It is my prayer that the Spirit of God in you will persuade you to test ALL things and hold fast to that which is true and worthy, and to let go of that which is not.