Saturday, May 29, 2010

This is the final push.

Dear Beloved,

By grace you have been saved through faith.
By grace you have been saved through faith.
By grace you have been saved through faith.

This is the final push.
He has taken me out of the dark pit, and now this is the final push.

I press onward, for I know what is ahead.

See here, My Beloved...
For where is my brother? And where is my sister?
Where is my son? And my daughter?
For where is my mother? And my father?
And where is my husband?

Are they not in Heaven?

And where is my home, My Beloved? My home to which I belong?
Is it not in Heaven?

This is the final push. And It is but a "twinkle" He wrote.

But hush now, My Beloved...
For is there a desire which I desire more than a family...a large one, to which I belong?
And is there a desire which I have desired longer than to have siblings?
And which desire is more precious than my desire for daughters and sons?
Now tell me, Beloved... which desire have I not prayed for more, than for a husband?

Alas, Beloved, He waits... for this is the final push.

Dear Beloved,

who am I, but His daughter?

You see, My Love...
On this stage I am no one, but perhaps a player already forgotten. This world has no end that I long for.
"To be or not to be" concerned one man's own fate.
Did he not choose "life"?

But alas, what a woeful question; for even when unasked, it has already been answered.

Who am I My Beloved, but His daughter?
Yea, who am I but His daughter...

This is the final push.

For who am I but His daughter...for I am His daughter.
My fullness, my essence, my is by means of grace that He saved me and made me His daughter.

Therefore My Love,
I push...
This is the final push...
that His daughter for all eternity I may be.

-One with the Weeds