Friday, June 20, 2008

"God feeds the sparrows."

God feeds the sparrows...and then some. What has God done for you? Feedback = necessary. ;)


brittany said...

first off, I LOVE YOU! harajuku status?...gah you're amazing.

i think the biggest theme that God has been revealing to me is gaining that much-needed discernment. fine tuning His voice, recognizing His guidance, and realizing how to apply this into action has been quite the struggle. but i know often times it has required me to fall flat on my face just to figure out my flesh gets in the way... a lot. falling has definitely produced an increase of strength and i'm so thankful for this.

i believe there's a difference between simply hearing and listening. i've found myself doing more of the former. God's wisdom is freely given if we're just ready for it, sometimes out of my own ignorance i missed the mark.

but i'm doing GREAT! i hope you are too :]

Kristin said...

God brought me you! God is revealing to me to express his love through me, to teach his wisdom through me, he is moving through me and its unreal. before i simply tried to do right from wrong, but God was like "no, kristin, i want to live through you."

remember that God wants to live through us to reach out to others. like you have done for me. ;)